Malý byt – jak využít nedostatek místa ve svůj prospěch

S nedostatkem místa se už asi potýkal téměř každý. Ať už se jednalo o příliš malou skříň, pracovní plochu nebo výměru bytu. I když bývá malý byt mnohem útulnější a snazší na údržbu, často se naskýtá problém s rozvržení užitného prostoru tak, aby vyhovoval každodenním potřebám majitele. I jediná a nepříliš velká místnost se však dá rozdělit takovým způsobem, že se z malých rozměrů stane výsada. Ať už se jedná o studentský byt, nebo mladou rodinu, která potřebuje ušetřit místo, kde se jen dá, prostor už nebude nepřítelem.

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Rozkládací pohovka – praktické vylepšení nebo zbytečný přepych?

Výběr pohovky při zařizování nového bytu bývá opravdovým oříškem, vždyť pohodlná sedací souprava tvoří srdce celého obýváku a schází se na ní celá rodina. Za složité rozhodování částečně může i bohatá nabídka, která nutí zákazníka zvážit i sebemenší detail pohovky. Právě to je však nezbytně nutné, a to platí obzvlášť v tom případě, že jste se rozhodli pořídit sedačku rozkládací. Na rozdíl od nevariabilních pohovek je zde totiž třeba věnovat pozornost nejen vzhledu a pohodlí při sezení, nýbrž i kvalitě spánku.

Pokračovat ve čtení „Rozkládací pohovka – praktické vylepšení nebo zbytečný přepych?“

Louisiana Halfway House Laws: Definitions, Regulations, and Challenges

Few studies have provided data on the impact halfway houses make on communities, however. While this remains a dilemma for scholars studying halfway houses and their impact on the larger community, there are publications that have laid the foundation for further research. The focus of this article is on halfway houses that provide transitional housing rather than those facilities that provide longer-term or indefinite residency. Halfway Houses are often referred to as community correctional centers or residential rehabilitation centers and serve as treatment programs for eligible offenders. These intermediate residences are based in neighborhoods, and they house adults or youths who agree to cooperate to share space, usually, in single-gender living quarters.

What Is the Jellinek Curve in Addiction and Recovery?

The Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections allocates funds, but financial constraints often limit the scope and quality of services. Federal grants, such as those from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, can supplement state funding, though competition for these resources is intense. Some halfway houses also require residents to work or seek gainful employment during their stay. Federal RRC residents3 are generally subject to two stages of confinement within the facility that lead to a final period of home confinement. First, they are restricted to the facility with the exception of work, religious activities, approved recreation, program requirements, or emergencies.

Community Impact and Public Perception

  • Few studies have provided data on the impact halfway houses make on communities, however.
  • Some halfway houses are meant solely for reintegration of persons who have been recently released from prison or jail; some are meant for people with chronic mental health disorders; others are for people with substance abuse issues, generally called sober living houses.
  • They are termed „halfway houses“ due to their being halfway between completely independent living and in-patient or carceral facilities, where residents are highly restricted in their behavior and freedoms.
  • Residents of work release housing are frequently required to pay rent on a „sliding scale“ which is often dependent on whether or not they can find a job while in residence.5 In addiction-recovery houses, a resident’s stay is sometimes financed by health insurance.
  • Offenders with serious criminal backgrounds, such as those convicted of violent crimes, may also be eligible for placement under strict conditions.

We have included an appendix of the most recent list of adult state and federal correctional facilities that the Bureau of Justice Statistics calls “community-based correctional facilities” (those that allow at least 50% of the population to leave the facility). In our appendix table, we attempt to break down which of those 527 facilities fall under our “halfway houses in the criminal justice system” definition, and which facilities primarily serve other purposes. Louisiana’s halfway house laws are pivotal in the state’s criminal justice system, providing a bridge between incarceration and reintegration into society. These facilities play a crucial role in reducing recidivism by offering structured environments for offenders transitioning back to community life. Understanding these laws is essential for grasping their impact on individuals and the broader community. Unfortunately, much less information exists about how many state-run or state-contracted halfway houses and halfway house residents there are.

Employment and Life Skills

A halfway house has an active rehabilitation treatment program run throughout the day, where the residents receive intensive individual and group counseling for their substance abuse while they establish a sober support network, secure new employment, and find new housing. The gruesome portrayal of halfway houses in the media can often be the catalyst for formal audits of these facilities. But it should be noted that regular monitoring, auditing, and data reporting should be the norm in the first place. Halfway houses are just as much a part of someone’s prison sentence as incarceration itself, but they are subject to much less scrutiny than prisons and jails.

definition of halfway house

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Because of this, halfway houses can be used by the homeless or people coming out of incarceration. On the other hand, halfway houses are dorm-style living spaces owned by a government or private agency. In federal RRCs, staff are expected to supervise and monitor individuals in their facilities, maintaining close data-sharing relationships with law enforcement. Disciplinary procedure for violating rules can result in the loss of good conduct time credits, or being sent back to prison or jail, sometimes without a hearing.

Compare your state’s use of the prison to the world at large

Figuratively, it is used to describe something that possesses a combination of qualities from two separate things or represents a compromise or middle ground between two opposing ideas or positions. It implies a blending or merging of different elements to create a balanced or intermediate state. In the 1930s, those concepts were further enhanced by the “medical model” of corrections, with its reliance on classification, diagnosis, and treatment, and by the concurrent popularity of the new correctional ideas of probation, indeterminate sentencing, and parole. As they became further integrated with the formal correctional system, eventually becoming the primary prerelease opportunities for inmates, these programs were often characterized as “halfway out of prison” programs. To address these concerns, Louisiana law requires community notification and engagement when establishing new halfway houses. Public hearings provide opportunities for residents to voice opinions, fostering transparency and trust.

Typically, halfway houses collaborate with nonprofit organizations, human service agencies, and other community services to provide education, counseling, 24-hour rehabilitative and residential services, and the like. These centers place an increased responsibility on the individual to determine how to balance life after incarceration. The term halfway houses emerged in the 1950s after being referred to as transitional housing years before, and most recently as offender reentry centers in some circles. Since the 1950s there has been an increased interest in these facilities and their utilization. They gained prominence in the 1960s and 1970s after the emergence of the concept of “residential continuum.” Determining whether such centers have a positive effect on offenders’ reintegration into the community remains deeply contested. Traditionally and contemporarily, halfway houses are not always welcomed in neighborhoods, as local community members often fear an increase in crime.

definition of halfway house

By 1950, those programs were further adapted to serve specialized populations, such as criminally involved drug and alcohol abusers. In the early 1960s, the mentally ill became residents as the state hospitals were deinstitutionalized by the federal government. During that turbulent decade, when virtually every governmental institution and traditional practice in America was being challenged, corrections turned to the philosophy of reintegration. One of the premises of this theory was that society in general, as well as its communities and individual members, participates in the creation of economic, social, and cultural situations that engender criminal behavior. Consequently, according to the theory, amelioration of crime and recidivism requires that the individual, neighborhood, community, and all of society be responsible for and involved in the reintegration of offenders.

These facilities often offer opportunities for participation in group therapy, individual counseling, relapse prevention programs, life skills training, and groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Some halfway houses are meant solely for reintegration of persons who have been recently released from prison or jail; some are meant for people with chronic mental health disorders; others are for people with substance abuse issues, generally called sober living houses. The state-placement of ex-criminal offenders to a „halfway house“ after a prison sentence may either be decided upon as part of the judge’s sentence or by a prison official’s recommendation. A direct sentence to a halfway house can also be decided upon by a sober house judge or prosecutor in lieu of prison time.

  • It serves as a supportive environment between more focused treatment settings, such as rehabilitation centers or hospitals, and living independently.
  • This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.
  • Programs such as counseling and vocational training must meet specific standards to address issues like substance abuse or unemployment, which often contribute to criminal behavior.
  • Not only is the Bureau of Prisons reporting fewer cases than county health officials; individuals in halfway houses who reached out to reporters described being told to keep their positive test results under wraps.
  • In the United Kingdom, „halfway house“ can refer to a place where people with mental disorders, victims of child abuse, orphans, or teenage runaways stay.

Not only is the Bureau of Prisons reporting fewer cases than county health officials; individuals in halfway houses who reached out to reporters described being told to keep their positive test results under wraps. Also note that in some states (e.g., Texas), halfway houses only serve parolees.13 So it may be helpful to note how your state defines the term before you consider a halfway house as a recovery option. Offenders with serious criminal backgrounds, such as those convicted of violent crimes, may also be eligible for placement under strict conditions. The Louisiana Board of Pardons and Parole assesses whether an individual is ready for reintegration, ensuring public safety remains a priority.

However, as we will discuss later, these numbers include facilities that serve primarily or entirely as residential correctional facilities (where people serve their entire sentences). This ambiguity means that pinning down how many people are in halfway houses each day – and how many specifically state-funded halfway houses there are – is nearly impossible. Many such halfway houses continued to be subsidized by government contracts or other sources of government funding. Other types of halfway houses, however, are supported through various means, including government grants and corporate funding; those that are run as non-profit entities may be supported by donations or foundation grants. In other cases, residents pay rent, typically at least $40,000 per year but sometimes significantly more, depending on the location and services provided. By the 1980s, independent of the early (pre-parole) release or postrelease (parole) function of the halfway house, they remained community-based residential programs that provided structure and services to offenders.

Grygier, et al. 1970 notes that the underlying premise is to adjust offenders’ attitudes and behaviors so that they comply with generally accepted societal values. Whether operated by for-profit or not-for-profit organizations, halfway houses are designed to help people transition into mainstream society after being discharged from correctional institutions, drug treatment centers, and psychiatric or other medical facilities. US Department of Justice 2016 calls halfway houses Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs). Contracts are issued by DOJ to both corporations and nonprofit agencies to provide structured, supervised environments as an alternative to incarceration for offenders that qualify, such as those with short sentences. Such centers also house people returning to the general public and offer supportive transition services after imprisonment.

For those who are reintegrating into society following time in prison, halfway houses provide support for finding employment, housing, and other essential services. Such facilities typically offer educational programs, counseling, life skills training, and supervision and serve an essential role in helping to reduce recidivism. Halfway houses also play an important role in supporting individuals with mental health issues by providing a safe and structured environment. These facilities offer a variety of services, including those aimed at promoting mental health stability and at the development of life skills.

Halfway Houses: What Is a Halfway House?

Improper management and inadequate oversight of halfway houses also enables inequities in the reentry process. Journalists have revealed how, when individuals are required to have a halfway house lined up in order to be released on parole, they can encounter lengthy waitlists due to inadequate bed space, forcing them to remain in prison. From states like Minnesota, we are able to see that the carceral conditions in federal RRCs are often mirrored in the state system.

Halfway houses are typically either state sponsored for those with criminal backgrounds, or privately run for those with substance abuse issues. Residents must abide by curfews, participate in mandatory programs, and check in regularly with parole officers. The Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections monitors compliance to uphold rehabilitation and public safety goals. For the most part, people go to halfway houses because it is a mandatory condition of their release from prison. Some people may also go to halfway houses without it being required, simply because the facility provides housing. Placement in Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs) post-incarceration can technically be declined by people slated for release, but doing so would require staying in prison instead.

This lack of guidelines and oversight has ensured that people in halfway houses are not being aided in safely and effectively rebuilding their lives after serving time in jails and prisons. It’s past time to start implementing oversight measures and extensive reforms that keep residents safe and help the halfway house experience feel more like reentry – and less like an extension of the carceral experience. The largest CEC (now GEO) halfway house in Colorado was similarly subject to criticism when reporters found evidence of rampant drug use and gang violence, indicating the failure of the facility to provide a supportive reentry community. Subsequent audits identified a number of major staffing issues, including high turnover rates and misconduct. This pattern of inadequate staffing extends to CEC halfway houses in California, where a former facility director cited inadequate training and earnings barely above minimum wage. The clinical director of the California facility, responsible for resident health, did not possess a medical degree, or even a college degree.

  • The focus of this article is on halfway houses that provide transitional housing rather than those facilities that provide longer-term or indefinite residency.
  • From the lived experiences of those who have resided in halfway houses, it is clear that egregious conditions in halfway houses are common.
  • While this remains a dilemma for scholars studying halfway houses and their impact on the larger community, there are publications that have laid the foundation for further research.
  • However, this can create a burden for individuals who are often unemployed or underemployed upon release.

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definition of halfway house

Such services help ensure successful reintegration into the community, particularly for individuals who are transitioning to independent living from intensive mental health care settings, such as psychiatric hospitals. In 2016 there were a total of 4,537,100 individuals under community supervision in the United States, which equated to 1 in every 55 adults. Two-thirds of ex-offenders often recidivate within three years after being released from prison. Halfway houses have served many released and soon-to-be released prisoners, with the intention of rehabilitating and preparing them for successful reintegration back into society.

Phone, Video, or Live-Chat Support

It shouldn’t take exhaustive investigative reporting to unearth the real number of COVID-19 cases in a halfway house. But historically, very little data about halfway houses has been available to the public, even though they are a major feature of the carceral system. Even basic statistics, such as the number of halfway houses in the country or the number of people living in them, are difficult to impossible to find. In May, an investigation by The Intercept revealed that the federal government is underreporting cases of COVID-19 in halfway houses.

Types of halfway houses

RRCs provide essential programs and sober house services that help recently released ex-offenders as they readjust to life after imprisonment; pursue employment, housing, and fundamental resources; and strengthen relationships with family, friends, and support systems. A halfway house is a temporary living facility where individuals, often recovering from substance abuse, mental health issues, or other challenges, stay for a period. It serves as a supportive environment between more focused treatment settings, such as rehabilitation centers or hospitals, and living independently. People who live in these facilities typically receive guidance and support to adjust to society, including counseling, life skills training, and help with finding jobs or permanent housing.

definition of halfway house

Too often, audits are only conducted after journalists report on the ways specific halfway houses are failing residents, rather than government correctional agencies doing proper oversight on their own. In the United Kingdom, „halfway house“ can refer to a place where people with mental disorders, victims of child abuse, orphans, or teenage runaways stay. The latter are often run by charities, including the Church of England, other churches, and community groups. In certain areas, a halfway house is much different from a recovery house or sober house.

  • These woeful inadequacies are indicative of a larger systemic failure of halfway house oversight that often results in deeply problematic conditions for residents.
  • Too often, audits are only conducted after journalists report on the ways specific halfway houses are failing residents, rather than government correctional agencies doing proper oversight on their own.
  • This lack of guidelines and oversight has ensured that people in halfway houses are not being aided in safely and effectively rebuilding their lives after serving time in jails and prisons.
  • The Louisiana Board of Pardons and Parole assesses whether an individual is ready for reintegration, ensuring public safety remains a priority.
  • Their purposes can also overlap, as community based correctional facilities, for instance, house individuals at various stages in their incarceration.

Evidence Based

In these areas, a drug and alcohol halfway house is licensed by the Department of Health and has staff coverage 24 hours a day. Residents of work release housing are frequently required to pay rent on a „sliding scale“ which is often dependent on whether or not they can find a job while in residence.5 In addiction-recovery houses, a resident’s stay is sometimes financed by health insurance. In addition, a stay in a recovery house might be a partial requirement of a criminal sentence. Failures in supervision can result in legal action, especially in cases where residents commit crimes. Operators must implement rigorous security measures and maintain detailed documentation of resident activities, which can be resource-intensive.

As of August 18, federal Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs) had 122 active cases, and 9 deaths, of coronavirus among halfway house residents nationwide. However, recent investigative reports suggest that the real numbers are even higher, as the BOP continues to underreport cases in RRCs and state-level data is nearly non-existent. A halfway house is a type of prison or institute intended to teach (or reteach) the necessary skills for people to re-integrate into society and better support and care for themselves.

This removes temptation and helps people in recovery see that it is possible to enjoy life without these substances. They offer a middle step for people who are committed to being sober but aren’t ready to live independently. At the start of the 21st century, correctional populations reached record levels and were continuing to increase, and institutional overcrowding became epidemic in some jurisdictions. In many situations at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels, this led to successful litigation by prisoners’ advocates, with various government agencies being ordered to reduce overcrowding and pay substantial fines and attorney’s fees. Despite these developments, a continuing conservative “tough on crime” philosophy dominated the American political landscape; California, for example, attempted to build its way out of the dilemma by erecting over 20 new prisons in the last decades of the 20th century. Punishment applied with certainty, swiftness, and proportionate severity, it was believed, would deter offenders from further criminal activities.

One reason that we know more about federal than state-level halfway houses has to do with the contracting process. The federal contract process is relatively standardized and transparent, while state contracting processes vary widely and publish little public-facing information, which makes understanding the rules governing people in state-contracted facilities much more difficult. The idiom „halfway house“ originated from the concept of a residential facility or institution that serves as a transitional place for individuals who are moving from one situation or condition to another.

Stay Informed

Staff must be adequately trained to provide necessary support and supervision to residents. Programs such as counseling and vocational training must meet specific standards to address issues like substance abuse or unemployment, which often contribute to criminal behavior. Cases of COVID-19 are uniquely dangerous in halfway houses due to the work release component of many facilities. Now, as individuals return to work, halfway houses are positioned to be vectors of the virus, as the lack of social distancing and adequate living spaces is exacerbated by the frequency with which individuals have contact with the greater community.

These facilities are a critical component of the care continuum for offenders, aiming to reduce recidivism and promote public safety. By offering a supportive and structured setting, halfway houses help individuals develop skills necessary for reintegration, decreasing the likelihood of reoffending. Louisiana law mandates evidence-based practices to ensure residents receive tailored and effective support. Some facilities, like community-based correctional facilities, can serve dual functions that blur the lines of what facilities are and are not halfway houses. For instance, a community-based corrections facility might primarily house people who have been ordered to serve their full sentences at the facility, but also house some individuals who are preparing for release.

A halfway house refers to a residential facility that provides temporary housing and support services for individuals who are transitioning from a correctional institution, a hospital, or a rehabilitation center back into society. These individuals typically face challenges such as homelessness, substance abuse, mental health issues, or a history of criminal behavior. There are different types of halfway houses, each of which is oriented toward helping individuals transition from specific situations. Some halfway houses, for example, provide support for persons with substance use disorders. In the case of substance use, a halfway house provides a supportive environment for individuals who are exiting inpatient treatment and rehabilitation programs, with the aim of helping residents maintain sobriety while integrating back into everyday life.

Halfway Houses Criminology

All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. People who have detoxed and spent some time sober are most likely to succeed in this environment. States fall far short of their duty to meet the health needs of incarcerated people. Facilities must maintain accurate records of resident activities and implement security protocols to prevent unauthorized access and ensure safety.

  • Grygier, et al. 1970 notes that the underlying premise is to adjust offenders’ attitudes and behaviors so that they comply with generally accepted societal values.
  • In these areas, a drug and alcohol halfway house is licensed by the Department of Health and has staff coverage 24 hours a day.
  • RRCs provide essential programs and services that help recently released ex-offenders as they readjust to life after imprisonment; pursue employment, housing, and fundamental resources; and strengthen relationships with family, friends, and support systems.
  • At that time, residential beds in the community for individuals exiting prison were, on average, about $12,000 annually.

How Much Does a Halfway House Cost

  • Since states have overwhelmingly failed to protect incarcerated people in jails and prisons, the outlook for halfway houses is bleak.
  • A major issue is the lack of uniform regulation and oversight across facilities, leading to inconsistencies in care quality.
  • These facilities often offer opportunities for participation in group therapy, individual counseling, relapse prevention programs, life skills training, and groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.
  • Traditionally and contemporarily, halfway houses are not always welcomed in neighborhoods, as local community members often fear an increase in crime.
  • The Louisiana Supreme Court has stressed the importance of uniformity in operations.

However, they are generally open to people who have completed an inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment program. Residents of halfway houses have described deeply inadequate sanitation and disease prevention on top of the lack of social distancing. In the now-defunct Hope Village in Washington, D.C., residents reported packed dining halls, makeshift PPE, and restricted access to cleaning products and sanitation supplies. In a Facebook video, a resident described “6 to 8 people” leaving Hope Village daily in an ambulance. Since data remains sparse and oversight is unreliable, we have retrieved the bulk of information about conditions in halfway houses from the media and advocates. The voices of those who have spent time in halfway houses, and those who have worked in them, are key to understanding the reality of these facilities and the rampant problems that plague them.

Types of Offenders and Penalties

Criminal justice policy in every region of the United States is out of step with the rest of the world.

Louisiana Halfway House Laws: Definitions, Regulations, and Challenges

In some instances, rehab facilities may refer a patient to a halfway house following treatment. Similarly, court-mandated treatment centers and/or the court may recommend or mandate that someone stay in a halfway house.12 Other times, residents seek out halfway houses of their own accord. However, sober living houses tend to offer more privacy and comfort than halfway houses. If a person comes from a correctional facility, they can be court-mandated to live in a halfway house for a predetermined amount of time.

  • These facilities are governed by specific statutes that outline their operational framework and objectives.
  • They adapted to serve the role of alternatives to incarceration, and in this capacity they were known as “halfway-in houses.” In the 1990s the term halfway house was replaced by the more benign, descriptive, and inclusive residential treatment centers.
  • According to Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 15, Section 1111, halfway houses provide a structured environment for rehabilitation and reentry, emphasizing programs such as substance abuse treatment, vocational training, and educational opportunities.
  • States fall far short of their duty to meet the health needs of incarcerated people.
  • First, they are restricted to the facility with the exception of work, religious activities, approved recreation, program requirements, or emergencies.
  • Many halfway houses also make attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or other 12-step meetings mandatory.

What Is the Jellinek Curve in Addiction and Recovery?

Under Louisiana Administrative Code Title 48, Part I, the Department of Health oversees licensing requirements. Facilities must maintain a valid license, subject to annual renewal and compliance inspections. Additionally, insurance coverage and other financial support are sometimes available to help with the cost. Sobriety is an active part of everyone’s lives and is celebrated in these environments. Many halfway houses also make attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or other 12-step meetings mandatory.

Who Can Live in a Halfway House?

Having undergone several name changes, halfway houses have been present for centuries within the United States. Since its creation, the halfway house has served as a bridge between imprisonment and society, where offenders are discharged to designated community residences before being released back into society. These centers Sober Houses Rules That You Should Follow serve people who do not need the confinement of an institution, yet are not ready for independent community living. Originally, these centers were created to serve as an alternative to incarceration for target populations within the United States. The goal was to help participants become law-abiding citizens through transitional housing, thus decreasing recidivism.

Poor conditions and bad incentives make halfway houses hotspots for COVID-19

The majority were operated by private, nonprofit organizations with boards of directors made up of leaders from the criminal justice, educational, and religious communities, as well as other dedicated citizens. Board members often provided access to recreational, religious, medical, vocational, and transportation services, as well as assistance with obtaining gainful employment. Residential programs designed to provide transitional services and assistance have existed in the United States since the beginning of the 19th century. The majority of programs in the United States make a distinction between a halfway house and a sober/recovery house.

definition of halfway house

A team of staff at the RRC determines whether an individual is “appropriate“4 to move to the second, less restrictive component of RRC residency. Even in this second “pre-release” stage, individuals must make a detailed itinerary every day, subject to RRC staff approval. Not only are residents’ schedules surveilled, their travel routes are subject to review as well. Contrary to the belief that halfway houses are supportive service providers, the majority of halfway houses are an extension of the carceral experience, complete with surveillance, onerous restrictions, and intense scrutiny.

definition of halfway house

Louisiana’s halfway house system faces significant legal challenges that affect its effectiveness. A major issue is the lack of uniform regulation and oversight across facilities, leading to inconsistencies in care quality. Advocacy groups have raised concerns about unequal treatment, prompting calls for standardized practices to ensure fairness. The Louisiana Supreme Court has stressed the importance of uniformity in operations. Some transitional housing facilities accept credit card payments or offer in-house financing. The shift to a more punitive punishment philosophy from the 1980s through the end of the 20th century was manifested in determinate and mandatory minimum sentences.

7 rad, jak správně zastřihnout živý plot

Svěží, hustý, elegantní. Takový živý plot chce každý zahrádkář. Aby ho získal, musí ho správně stříhat. Jenže ne každý ví, jak na to. Proto jsme pro vás připravili 7 rad, které vám pomůžou.

  1. Stříhejte ve správný čas

Zatímco listnaté živé ploty musíte stříhat dvakrát až třikrát ročně, jehličnaté stačí upravit jednou za rok. U obou typů ale platí, že ideální čas, kdy je zastřihnutím připravíte na zimu, je v srpnu.

U listnatých živých plotů je to zhruba dva měsíce po jejich prvním zkrácení.

  1. Zkracujte jen po vysazení

Jakmile živý plot vysadíte, zkraťte ho asi na dvě třetiny původní výšky. Poté ho nechte volně růst. Třeba i několik let. Znovu ho zkraťte až ve chvíli, kdy dosáhne požadované výšky.

  1. K rovnému stříhání použijte provázek

Se správným zarovnáním plotu vám pomůže napnutý provázek. Jednoduše si naměřte požadovanou výšku, provázek v ní natáhněte a stříhejte podle něj.

  1. Spodní část musí být širší

Všechny části živého plotu musí mít dost slunce. Proto stříhejte tak, aby spodní část byla širší než vrchní. Důležité je to hlavně u vyšších živých plotů.

  1. Zastřihávejte s mírou

Zastřihávejte jen mladé výhonky. Vyprovokujete tak rašení zbylých pupenů a rostliny se lépe rozvětví. Pokud letorosty odříznete až ke staršímu dřevu, růst větví ztížíte.

  1. Používejte ostré nářadí

Důležité je také správné a ostré nářadí. Tupé nůžky za sebou nechávají roztřepené konečky větví a výhonků, které jsou náchylnější k infekci.

  1. Zvolte si správné nůžky

Správné nářadí vám práci výrazně usnadní a pomůže plot vytvarovat. Proto ho musíte pečlivě vybírat. Záleží hlavně na tom, k čemu přesně nůžky potřebujete.

  • Nůžky s krátkým ostřím jsou ideální na přesné tvarování živého plotu.
  • Nůžky s dlouhým ostřím se hodí pro rychlé a přesné stříhání větších ploch.
  • Prodloužené nůžky a nůžky s nástavcem jsou připravené pro stříhání vysokých živých plotů. Díky nim upravíte plot i v místech, kam sami nedosáhnete.

Pak už jen zvažte, zda dáte přednost ručním, elektrickým nebo aku nůžkám, vyberte si ověřeného prodejce a pusťte se do práce. Máte nejvyšší čas.

Venkovní žaluzie zajistí stínění, ochranu i tepelnou izolaci

V dnešní době máme na výběr z velkého množství stínících zástěn, existují venkovní žaluzie, venkovní rolety, posuvné panely a další. Venkovní zástěny najdeme jak na rodinných domech, tak i na administrativních budovách. Nejenže jsou velice praktické a účelné,  ale správným výběrem najdeme i velice elegantní zástěnu.

Když se řekne léto, snad každému se vybaví sluníčko. Jenže něco jiného je vyhřívání se u vody nebo na zahradě a něco mnohem jiného je sluneční žár přes okna a rozpálená domácnost. Zmírnit teplo se dá více způsoby, jedním z nich jsou venkovní rolety. Naopak v zimě částečně omezují únik tepla.

Venkovní žaluzie a rolety

Venkovní rolety každý zná z výloh obchodů, nyní jsou však oblíbené právě i v kancelářích či na rodinných domech. Rolety jsou tvořeny z plastových nebo hliníkových lamel, ty jsou pak upevněny v postranních lištách. Venkovní žaluzie mohou být dokonce i ze dřeva. Můžete jejich lamely natočit, tak že i když uvidíte ven, slunce vám celý interiér nerozpálí. Venkovní zástěny vás nechrání jen proti slunci, ale také před nepříznivým počasím, ochrání vaše okna například před kroupami. Díky roletám získáte příjemně tichou místnost, brání totiž místnost od hluku. Další skvělou vlastnost, kterou získáte v případě pořízení venkovních žaluzií nebo rolet je zvýšená bezpečnost vašeho domova nebo chaty. Některé odolnější typy rolet zloději nedokáží vytáhnout a navíc si zástěnu můžete objednat se zámkem. Pokud se rozhodnete pro venkovní látkové stínění, zaplatíte tak trochu více než za vnitřní žaluzie, avšak koupíte si tak zároveň své pohodlí a bezpečí.

Montáž a ovládání venkovních žaluzií

Žaluzie se dají přidělat třemi způsoby – na rám okna, do ostění nebo na fasádu. Ovládat se dají buď ručně, nebo elektropohonem. Ovládání elektropohonem je v mnoha ohledech výhodnější, nejenže prodlouží životnost rolet, ale také jde nastavit automatické ovládání rolet (reakce na čas, vítr nebo jiné).

How to Become a Copywriter: 7 Steps for Starting a Copywriting Career in 2025

copywriter meaning

Experienced copywriters spend significant amounts of time learning about their customers. They also invest time in understanding how the product they’re writing about can help their prospects. In fact, most copywriters will tell you these personal interactions with your clients and other copywriters can be one of the best parts of the job.

  • Maybe copywriting for the medical industry is right for you.
  • They have more freedom, flexibility, and variety, as well as more ownership and satisfaction, than full-time ones.
  • This is an updated version of a story that was previously published.
  • Then, when it comes to ideation time, you’ll have a veritable war chest to play with – just unearth one of your banked topics, dust it off and get writing.
  • Copywriting is the magical skill of utilising words to persuade and influence others.
  • For that reason, effective copy should include the most important points at the very beginning.
  • It helps businesses communicate their values and connect with their target audience on a deeper level.

Foster engagement with your customers and community ​​

Copywriting is the method of creating persuasive copy for advertising and marketing motives. It involves offering content that informs and drives the reader to act, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or clicking a link. Unlike other types of writing, copywriting focuses on quickly gaining the reader’s attention and retaining it with concise, straightforward, and compelling language. At its core, copywriting blends creativity and strategic thinking.

Copywriting Salary: What to Expect

By speaking the language of the audience, copywriters establish a connection that builds trust and credibility. In conclusion, understanding the salary landscape and the factors that influence earnings can empower aspiring copywriters to make informed decisions about their careers. By focusing on skill development and market needs, they can maximize their earning potential in this competitive field. But, if you want to get into an area of copywriting that’s completely new to you, that can also be done. Copywriting appears across a wide range of marketing and branding assets. This includes online ads (think website Copywriter (EN, UA, RU) job banners, pop-ups and social media ads), website content, email newsletters, print ads, physical advertising spaces and landing pages.

Empathy and Audience Insight

Whether you’re coming from a professional career, or simply have in-depth knowledge of an area that interests you, these can all give you an advantage as a copywriter. Writing the first draft of a piece of copywriting requires an excellent understanding of what’s needed for that particular project and getting all the necessary parts in the right places. We touched on this when we discussed the basics of copywriting, but solid research is the foundation for nearly all copywriting projects. If you asked a hundred different copywriters what they do every day, you’d likely get a hundred different answers. One way to do this is by Software development adding a guarantee that will prove to your reader that they can only gain from this deal and have nothing to lose. You can offer free trials, for example, to help seal the deal.

copywriter meaning

Schodiště – do mrazu i do deště

bočnicové schodiště INDUSTRYU venkovního schodiště, které slouží jako hlavní vstup do domu, či přístup na terasu nebo balkon, je kladen velký důraz na jeho funkční stránku. V exteriéru musí schodiště odolávat bez poškození nejrůznějším rozmarům počasí – nárazovým větrům, prudkým dešťům, kroupám či tíze napadaného sněhu.

Před pořízením venkovního schodiště je třeba důkladně promyslet několik základních faktorů, které výběr schodiště zásadně ovlivňují. Důležité je zohlednit funkci, kterou bude schodiště plnit – zda bude u rodinného domu nebo na veřejném místě, kde po něm projdou denně desítky či stovky lidí. „Určitě není jedno, zda za den po schodišti projde pět lidí nebo sto. Jeho frekventovanost je opravdu důležitým faktorem. Aby venkovní schodiště vyhovělo těmto specifickým parametrům, je dobré vyhledat profesionálního dodavatele, který tyto parametry pohlídá a doporučí zadavateli nejen vhodný typ schodiště, ale i jeho materiálové provedení,“ vysvětluje pan Petr Paksi, obchodní ředitel společnosti JAP FUTURE, která se výrobou schodišť zabývá.
nášlapy z pororoštů

nášlapy z pororoštů

Jak bylo zmíněno již v úvodu, asi nejdůležitějším faktorem, který ovlivňuje výběr provedení venkovního schodiště, jsou klimatické podmínky. Kvůli dešti a sněhu je do exteriéru vhodné použít schodiště s celokovovými nášlapy z pororoštů. V případě plného nášlapu by totiž na schodišti ulpívaly dešťové kapky, které by zhoršily bezpečný pohyb po schodišti a to především v zimě, kdy kapky na schodišti namrzají. Pak může být schodiště opravdu nebezpečné. „Díky pororoštovým nášlapům bude navíc propadávat také sníh, tím pádem odpadá údržba schodiště v podobě jeho vyhrnování,“ říká Petr Paksi z JAP FUTURE.

nášlapy s protiskluzovou úpravou

nášlapy s protiskluzovou úpravou

V případě, že chcete zvolit jiné nášlapy než pororoštové, je důležité myslet na jejich protiskluzovou úpravu. U celokovových schodišť může být řešením také jemná mřížka na povrchu schodišťových stupňů, nebo plechový výlisek s protiskluzovou úpravou pro zdrsnění nášlapných ploch dílčích schodů. U dřevin je tento problém vyřešen pomocí vyfrézovaných drážek na jednotlivých nášlapech.

Vhodné materiály

Nejčastější materiálové provedení venkovních schodišť je celokovové. Oblíbená je ale také kombinace dřevo-kov. Materiály exteriérových schodišť musí mít patřičnou odolnost vůči drsnému venkovnímu prostředí – je opravdu žádoucí, aby schodiště bylo odolné vůči korozi. „K tomu slouží nerezové materiály, nebo ocelové s povrchovou úpravou žárovým zinkováním, případně kataforézou, což je ekologický způsob ochrany ocelových dílců schodišť. Konkrétní barvu dle vzorníku barev RAL zajistíme nástřikem exteriérového komaxitu,“ vysvětluje speciální povrchové úpravy celokovového venkovního schodiště Petr Paksi.

točité schodiště JAP 110
točité schodiště JAP 110

Ovšem ani dřeviny nejsou pro exteriérová schodiště vyloučeny. „Musíme ovšem vždy vybírat pouze z exotických dřevin, které hravě zvládnou venkovní prostředí. Nejčastěji se používají bangkirai či merbau. Ty se dováží především z Indonésie a Malajsie. Pro ně je charakteristická značná tvrdost, odolnost vůči rozmarům počasí, ale třeba i plísním a houbám, což je pro venkovní schodiště ideální,“ popisuje dále Petr Paksi.

Údržba venkovního schodiště

Aby nám schodiště venku vydrželo co nejdéle, je vhodná jeho preventivní údržba – je třeba se vyhnout agresivním prostředkům, jako je například sůl či různé chemikálie, protože jejich dlouhodobé působení může poškodit i kovová schodiště. Pokud se přeci jen po létech začne projevovat drobná koroze, je důležité ji zavčasu opravit obroušením a přelakováním barvou k tomu určenou. U dřevěných nášlapů je opravdu důležité je v pravidelném cyklu (dle doporučení výrobce – obvykle jednou ročně) natírat speciálními oleji, které podpoří jejich odolnost vůči klimatickým podmínkám.

segmentové schodiště JAP 300E

Jaký zvolit typ?

„Do exteriéru se používají obdobné typy schodišť jako do interiéru, hlavní rozdíl je však v jejich povrchové úpravě. Do menšího prostoru skvěle poslouží točité schodiště, které díky svému prostorovému uspořádání nezabere příliš místa. Do atypických prostorů se spíše hodí schodiště segmentové, které se skládá z jednotlivých dílů – tzv. segmentů. Ty mohou utvořit libovolný tvar schodiště – přizpůsobí se prakticky každému prostoru. Další častou volbou bývá schodiště bočnicové, jehož nosnou konstrukci tvoří pouze kovové bočnice,“ říká pan Petr Paksi z firmy JAP FUTURE, která má v nabídce všechny uvedené typy exteriérových schodišť.


Ukotvení schodiště

„Že by se daly schody umístit jen na trávu či písek je nemyslitelné, protože půda je vlivem počasí a měnících se teplot nestálá. Dostačující není dokonce ani zámková nebo jiná mělká dlažba. Základovou patku, kterou tvoří betonový blok, je nutné umístit do nemrznoucí hloubky 80 cm. Jen tak je vytvořen dostatečně pevný podklad pro schodiště,“ upozorňuje Petr Paksi z JAP FUTURE. A stejně tak je třeba dbát i na ukotvení schodiště do dalších stavebních prvků – v případě bočnicového schodiště je důležitá dostatečně pevná zeď. A vždy musí být vhodná ke kotvení také horní podesta balkonu či terasy, kam schodiště vede.

Chyby při výběru exteriérového schodiště

Rozhodně největším pochybením je do venkovního prostoru umístit schodiště určené do interiéru! Venkovní schodiště jsou materiálově připravena tak, aby odolala větru, dešti, sněhu, slunci i změnám teplot. Pokud do exteriéru použijeme interiérové schodiště, můžeme očekávat jeho brzké poškození. Rozdílem mezi vnějšími a vnitřními schodišti jsou nejen použité materiály, ale také technologie jejich výroby, hlavně co se týče zábradlí. Zábradlí u interiérových schodišť mohou být smontovaná pomocí šroubků, kdežto v exteriéru (a zvláště pak ve veřejném prostoru) je lepší použít spíše svařovaná zábradlí.



Materiály byly připraveny ve spolupráci se společností JAP FUTURE,











What Does a Computer Vision Engineer Do? Roles & Career Guide

Computer Vision RND Engineer job

The top locations hiring for computer vision engineer jobs are California USA, England, Washington USA, New Jersey USA, and Paris, France. As of October 23, 2024, the average salary of job postings for computer vision engineering is $122,000 USD and the average salary of job postings on this website is $158,000 USD. For instance, a Computer Vision Engineer might create a manual for an industrial robot’s vision system, detailing how it operates and how to troubleshoot common issues.

  • This helps us take our mind off work for a while and come back to it refreshed.
  • Hiring a Senior AI engineer through RemoteAI has been incredible.
  • We filter for 20+ distinct characteristics, postings with salary information, and postings with complete information.
  • One of the most exciting things about this job is the fact that your work actually makes a difference in real life.
  • Creating and fine-tuning algorithms that enable machines to interpret visual data and make decisions based on their “sight” is a core aspect of a Computer Vision Engineer’s work.

Senior Data Scientist (Graph Expertise & Computer Vision) (m/f/d)

E.g., An engineer might implement a new algorithm from a recent research paper to enhance a model’s performance in a specific application. Our working hours are flexible so you get to choose when you come to work. Weekends, vacations and any off-time in general are off limits. Since our work is based on Scrum, the project timeline is usually well-planned and transparent. This makes it much easier to organize our time well, set reasonable deadlines and avoid stress. To find computer vision jobs near you, you can filter by country, state, or use the search bar to find a specific city.

➡️Machine Learning Models

This way, you’ll not only get better at your job but also find new, interesting ways to solve your everyday challenges. Embark on a journey through the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Data Science career opportunities. Our curated listings are specifically tailored for experts in Computer Vision Engineer, with the most current openings Computer Vision RND Engineer job updated for January 2025. Expand your horizons and pinpoint your ideal position using our advanced job search platform, equipped with detailed filters to align with your professional skills and aspirations. You can enroll in a FREE OpenCV Bootcamp for Beginners to get hands-on experience.

RnD Computer Vision Engineer

Before our algorithms make their Software engineering way into production, they need to be thoroughly tested. There, we can monitor how the algorithms work as the car is driving and make live changes if necessary. When it comes to innovation, we believe that research is where it all starts. So, it’s no wonder that almost 70% of our team members are fully dedicated to research and development. It’s also an open position that’s most likely to show up on our Careers page.

Software Engineer – Computer Vision & Video Streaming

This involves a deep understanding of machine learning techniques and problem-solving skills to create models that can accurately process and understand complex visual information. Another crucial responsibility is training machine learning models to classify and recognize visual data. This often involves working with large datasets to develop models that can differentiate between various objects or patterns.

RnD Software Engineer – Backend

Each day starts with a brief standup that usually takes around 5 minutes. Although each team member has their own tasks, their work and goals often overlap. This way, everyone gets a chance to share a short update on their progress and keep the team in the loop. Exchanging knowledge and collaborating with each other is very important because it allows the whole team to successfully finish the project. If you’re a fan of new cars, you’ll love the opportunity to enjoy a ride in the latest models before they hit the market.

  • Embark on a journey through the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Data Science career opportunities.
  • Exchanging knowledge and collaborating with each other is very important because it allows the whole team to successfully finish the project.
  • There is always free coffee, tea, hot chocolate and fresh fruit available in our kitchen.
  • E.g., They might develop a system that identifies early signs of medical conditions, like tumors, by analyzing MRI scans.
  • Additionally, consider joining a FREE TensorFlow Bootcamp for Beginners to understand how machine learning integrates with computer vision.
  • It’s also an open position that’s most likely to show up on our Careers page.

We are seeking a hands-on, top-notch RnD Computer Vision Software Engineer with a Machine Vision specialization. In this role, you’ll be responsible for designing and developing software solutions for machine vision systems. The company has aggressively grown because of our industry-recognized patented technology and superior software delivery services. As you learn, work on your own projects and share them on GitHub to build a portfolio that showcases your skills. To begin your journey in computer vision, start by exploring foundational courses and tutorials. A great entry point is learning OpenCV, a widely-used library for computer vision tasks.

Computer Vision RND Engineer job

Android Developer

Computer Vision RND Engineer job

Some of what we do has never been done before, which is where creativity and passion come in. An R&D Engineer must be eager to stay at the forefront of computer vision and machine learning technology. Continuous education is a must, and so is keeping an eye out for the latest trends in the field. Besides obtaining knowledge, R&D Engineers must also know how to use it in new, creative ways in order to solve real problems. There is a restaurant just a few floors below our office, but there are plenty of other good choices around the building, too.

Computer Vision RND Engineer job

Your One-Stop Destination for Computer Vision Jobs

Usually, most teams go to lunch together, which is a great opportunity to bond with colleagues. The company pays a lot of attention to team spirit and each new colleague is carefully matched with a team they are most likely to thrive in. Team lunches often lead to some great work-related ideas, too. One of the most exciting things about this job is the fact that your work actually makes a difference in real life. Our technology is already used in top-class cars, making autonomous driving a bit safer with each new release.